Your FAVOURITE age is coming

I’m here to show you how

Hi, I’m Melanie

Your guide to a vibrant business and life after 40.

Because, there's no age limit to freedom and success.

I understand how challenging business and life can be after 40 because I’ve lived it. I know what it’s like to manage my business around perimenopause and burn out. It’s the reason why I made it my mission to find a better way.

As a 1/3 Projector in Human Design, I’ve done the in-depth research, learning and experimenting so I know what works and what doesn’t. I also know how life-changing it is when you integrate your Human Design into everything you do.

Now I’m here to help you find your own path to clarity, confidence and success after 40.

I’m a multi-skilled Copywriter + Holistic Coach + Human Design Guide. I weave together a unique toolkit of over 15 qualifications with personal experience to give you the all-in-one guidance and support you need in your business and life.

It’s time for ageless freedom and inspiration in a way that works for you.

Melanie xx

What’s different about how I help you

I use a unique holistic approach to give you the guidance, tools and support you need to create sustainable success in your business and life after 40.


You can think of me as your all-in-one coach, guide and mentor. I combine a unique toolkit of 23 years of diverse qualifications and experience. From Copywriting to Human Design to Perimenopause Health to Content Marketing to Yoga to Personal Style + more. This means I can give you everything you need to confidently show up in your own unique way.


My signature methods are based on my own lived experience and in-depth conversations with women business owners, like you. I didn’t just learn it in a book or in a course. Which means I’ve learnt through my own mistakes to create a new way of doing things.


I personalise my approach depending on what you need because you are unique. Which means I’ll never use a one-size-fits-all approach. What I will do is help you discover a deeper knowing of what feels right for you. Whether it’s the words you use in your business or the way you manage your energy. I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

My holistic toolkit is a diverse range of qualifications and experience gathered over the past 23 years. Which means I can give you an all-in-one solution to confidently show up in your own unique way in your business and life after 40.

My Unique Toolkit

  • Copywriter + Content Marketing

  • Human Design Guide

  • Women’s Hormone Health Coach (specialising in Perimenopause)

  • Ambassador for toxin-free skincare, makeup and low-tox home

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Practitioner

  • Squarespace Web Designer

  • Personal Stylist

  • Seamstress + Designer

  • One to One Therapeutic Yoga Teacher

  • Yin Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher

  • Pilates coach

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • Bachelor of Arts in Writing Praxis and Social Psychology

Why this matters to me

Before I hit my early 40s, it was normal for me to work through my enormous to-do list, telling myself I would take a break after I’d crossed everything off. But I never got there. As a perfectionist, everything in my business and life had to be done at 100%.

Even when I felt tired, I could always find that extra bit of energy and motivation to push through.

Until one day, around 43, my life changed. It started with painful inflammation in my joints and a mysterious rash which crept up on my face. I started feeling hot all the time, especially at night. My energy and motivation disappeared.

Then I started forgetting names and not being able to spell the simplest words. I’d lose my train of thought partway through a sentence. As a writer, it really knocked my confidence because I’d always been able to think on my feet and come up with the right words.

The rash on my face got worse and my whole face swelled up. I didn’t recognise myself anymore. It was so bad that I couldn’t leave the house or concentrate on my business.

I had so many blood tests and no one could tell me what was wrong.

It was time to take my health into my own hands. I started doing my own research and experimenting to find a solution. I’d always been healthy so I knew there had to be a reason.

That’s when I discovered perimenopause and the link with adrenal fatigue and burn out.

It all started making sense. I was in perimenopause but I’d also burnt out my adrenals after years of pushing past my true energy levels. And it turned out that adrenal fatigue was making my symptoms worse.

The key was to take better care of my energy and change my lifestyle to support my hormones. It took practice to change the way I’d always done things but I was ready to try anything to feel like myself again.

It started working. My rash cleared up and I slowly restored my energy. I also created systems to relieve the stress of peri brain fog. Managing my energy meant giving myself the space to breathe. I was focused and productive in a sustainable way.

Along the way I talked to other women who were going through similar struggles. I started sharing my story, asking questions and listening deeply.

I discovered that it wasn’t just about overcoming perimenopause symptoms. It was overcoming the pressure to do more and be more.

It was about feeling seen and valued after 40 by recognising our own potential. To give ourselves permission to show up in our own unique way no matter what anyone else thinks.

I wanted to create a newfound freedom and purpose beyond perimenopause. I gave myself the freedom to do things that felt good for me and let that guide the way I showed up in my business and life.

Discovering Human Design was the final piece of my puzzle. It helped me see my superpowers and how I worked best. It was life-changing. I realised I could weave together all of my diverse qualifications and experience to help other women, like you, to create the freedom and fulfilment you deserve in your business and life after 40.

Are you ready to discover your own ageless freedom and inspiration?

I’m here to guide you every step of the way. If you’d like to chat about how I can help you, please get in touch here. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

5 of my favourite things

Lion dandelion chai from Apotheca By Anthia is my secret to starting my morning in the right way.


Singing jazz makes my soul happy.


My favourite fiction books are Kerry Greenwood’s Phyrne Fisher mysteries. She’s smart, sassy and stylish.


Golden Retrievers are the best companions in the universe. My beautiful Bella is still with me in spirit.


I always travel with essential oils in case I want to mix up a healing potion. Some of my favourites are Fragonia, Copaiba and Kunzea.


Let’s chat about what you need

I love creating simple solutions that are personalised for you because I want you to get exactly what you need.

If you have questions about how I can help, you can ask me here.